Saturday, October 29, 2011

Trunk or treat

The YMCA had their Trunk or Treat today.Andra has mastered the trick or treat event
waiting in line like a good butterfly

Andra was very excited to see friends from school. The three girls has so much fun together

They has a bouncy house but I was talking too much to get any good pictures.

Then we were off to do some crafts

We had a great time. I love seeing Andra play with school friends outside of school.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Is it time yet?!?!?!

From the time we brought the pumpkins Andra has asked if we were going to carve them. So today we did. She was VERY happy! She even put on the apron that my mom made for her to make them. Andra and Daddy starting out
Andra was unimpressed with getting the seeds out. She took two handfuls out and then asked Andrew to "help". aka Daddy do this because it is icky!

Andra said she wanted a scary Jack-o-lantern. So we went online and found some pictures to look at. She picked this one out because it had scary teeth.

Once Andra and I had the face marked, Daddy went to cutting.

Our finished product.

We had great family fun.

Friday, October 21, 2011

family dinner

A birthday and out of town family members in SA means Family dinner time.

Andra showing Alba veggie ninja Andra and her Great-Grandmother
Andra beating Alba at veggie ninja

My Godparents Angle and Sara aka the out of town family

Great family fun!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

how ?

This is how we found Andra today? Not too sure how one sleeps like this. I think this is the first time I have woken her up in two years. She is normally up by 5:30am and this was at 6:30! Too bad for Andrew and I it was not on a weekend :(

Sunday, October 16, 2011

getting ready....

Andra is very in to Halloween this year and wanted to decorate as soon as we could. just the start to the fun

Monday, October 10, 2011

day off

Andra didn't have school today so we had a play date with a friend from her school. We went to a place called Minitown. Neither of us had ever been there and but Pauline's mom had some free passes. Here Andra made me some tea.Andra and Pauline having fun. Pauline was so nice to do all the work pushing off the floor. Andra was a little too short to work.

The was Andra's favorite room. This picture was before we turned the light "out". When you did the ball started and lights flashed to the music.

Then we went to lunch.

It was great to see the girls play outside of school.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Tia Amanda's goats

We went up to see my parents and Amanda and family in north of Austin . Didn't get any pictures with the family but did with the goats. Andra was so happy to get to see and feed the goats

Thursday, October 06, 2011

ballet show

Once a month they pull back the magic current and we get to watch class. On this day, they can wear skirts or different colored leotards.

Andra getting into first position. and dancing with the class

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Siclovia and church festival

San Antonio had its first Siclovia today. 15000 people came out and walked, rode, danced or moved down Broadway. We rode to the event from the house and it was great to get the bikes out again. Once at Siclova, there were different stations along the rout. Zumba, yoga, rock walk ect. something for everyone. We stopped and let Andra play at two different stations. The first one was hosted by PBS
got that hula hoop going

and learned to hopscotch

and played with the parachute

The next reclovia was filled with field games

she loved it

Then we were off to the Church Festival.

and look who we ran into

then Andra found the bouncy

We then ended the day at a Birthday Party for one of Andra's school friends.

We all had so much fun this weekend.

Sea world run

The week before I hurt my leg we signed up for the Sea World 5k. Well, I could not run the 5k so Andra and I walked the family walk and Andrew ran the 5k. There were many Sesame street characters out before the race
Andra loves to jump.
Here she was jumping in circles before the race. Waiting with Daddy to start the run

And Daddy is off...

I am glad that Andra and I walked because they had lots of animals out on the family walk path.

The Beluga whales were so fun to see play

She got to pet a baby flamingo.

and a very big snake

and an alligator that she asked to take home

Then after the race and walk there was lots of entertainment.

Andra loves the characters.

star fish

the band of dancing zombies

Did I mention she loved to jump?

then of course to the horses

and to feed the dolphins

It was a great way to start a weekend!