Sunday, January 30, 2011

play time outside

It has been gorgeous outside this weekend. 80 degrees in Jan is great if you ask me but i know it is going to get cold this coming week. So we cut our normal very long walk short to come home to let Andrew wash the cars (yes, yet is the right word; he loves to do it) while it was warm out. Andra and I came out to play as well. I think Andrew was having as much fun as Andra
Then it was scooter time

then some dance time
then scooter time again!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Andrew and Tata!

We went to The Saltlick in Driftwood to celebrate my Father's and Andrew's Birthday!My parents were in the Austin area for square dancing business; so it was great to get to see my dad for his birthday. of' course when your child eats no meat you bring something she will eat; carrots. She did like the beans but rejected everything else :(
Then we had Red Velvet cupcakes (thank you Sarah for a great recipe)
Andrew and his friend Dan
We had a great time with family, friends and GREAT food!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Yep it is still here.
Last night she dressed him up in pjs for Night Night. He still is not allowed in the crib.

I am not sure it is a boy or a girl. It's name is Piggy.

He plays with Thomas and friends on the track and helps Andra cook in the kitchen.
Piggy even plays dress up with the dolls.

Once again, Thanks White Elephant gift exchange.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


We went for our long walk again this Sunday. When we got to the zoo it started to sprinkle so we went to the child zoo area of the SA zoo. Andra played inside for a while till it stopped raining then we just walked around the zoo till it was time to walk home.
Andra not wanting to stay behind the ropes.but we got her to
What she was looking at...
She has to climb on everything...
It was great fun!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Look ponytails!

Andra came home from school asking for ponytails like the other girls.....
I love my tea!
fun day in her kitchen
It was a great weekend, other than the rain

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Friday my Dad came in town because my parents had a State Square dancing meeting.
Saturday night we all went to the dance.
Andra had a blast! dancing with Wela
and with Tata and Wela
Andra was not happy when we had to leave. She was tired from dancing and all the other Saturday events not to mention it was 1.5 hours past her bed time. As we left she was crying out for her Wela and Tata.

Big Sat!

Our Saturday was a fun filled day! We started at Little Gym. It was the last class of the term and Andra had so much fun.
Ta Da I got a medal! I got lots of pictures but few with just Andra and no other kids faces. This one does not even have Andra's face :)Ya, I am THAT good.
From there, I forgot the sad.
We had a swim lesson and then a birthday party at the San Antonio Children's Museum. If you are even in SA and have kids you should go there. Andra and her friends had a blast. Andra was the youngest at 2.5 but she held her own with her 3-5 year old friends. They we all her classmates from school and it was SO cute to see them interact.
Then it was off to dinner and square dancing with the grandparents. Thank you for a few naps in between activities!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wela and the ipad

My Mom was here this past week! One night she forgot her book at my grandmother's so I let her do crosswords on the ipad. It was an experience for both of us and Bebe (the cat).

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Yep the pig is still around

Watching some Wonder Pets with friends Lets Go!
Yes it goes in the car with us some times. She has asked for it to go to school, but I said no.
we still carry it from room to room ...
no it is not a piggy bank, or anything else....just a sliver pig

Sunday, January 09, 2011

walk and play 2

Yep, then we did it again this Sunday! 12miles!!!!
Andra loves to swing big slide this time!
tried it but wanted to go higher
she even got to play with some other "big" girls that were so nice and did not bounce her off
I love the tongue sticking out
walking from one to the other with out help
looking at other kids
Andra and her Daddy having fun
Andra did great at the park this time. She fell a few times and just got right back up and started playing. It was great to see her having fun; and even cooler to see her fall and know she had to get back up and try again.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Dundee's scarf

We are waiting for our peanut butter Dundee went to the Dr and came home with a shaven area and with an expensive scarf

Sunday, January 02, 2011

walk and play 1

On Sunday we decided to walk to the park, let her play and then walk home. Easy right...well the park, was the park by the zoo and that is 5 miles from our house. All in all, Andrew and I walked 12miles, Andra slept, read books and looked around from the stroller. I love our Bob. fun slide
moved to a little bigger one

look at my hair!!!