Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Melanie!

It was just a birthday weekend. Today we went to celebrate Melanie's 5th birthday at Chuck-e-cheese . It was great to see Amanda and all the kids. Andra was so happy to see Melanie .

And liked uncle Greg’s mustache.

Andra also got to spend more time with her Wella and Tata.

Happy 97th Birthday

We had my grandmother's 97th birthday party this weekend at her ranch.

It was alot of fun and we got to meet Anda's new cousin. Celia was born in December to my cousin Molly and her Husband Mark. Andra was so taken by the baby. I had to do everything to not let Andra grab her.

Here is Andrew and Andra as we took a walk.

Andra even got to spend some time with the Godfather.

Monday, March 23, 2009

7 months....almost

We snapped this shot tonight. We cannot believe she will be 7 months old tomorrow!

Andra's peggers

We have been trying to get a picture of Andra’s teeth, but it is hard. Can you see them?
The two bottom ones have been out for a while now we are working on the top two. You can feel them and I think them will be out soon. The drool is on.

Great weekend

Saturday we did some yard work. Andra came outside and did good in her pack-n-play for a while. Then took her 30min power nap. The only type of nap she will take.

Sunday started out cool, in the 60's but then was 88 by the afternoon.

Andra likes to sit and pull her self up on stuff. Here she is in the center of the bed. Thanks for the great UT outfit Jennifer.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

a few days in Dickinson

We went for a short visit to my parents . Andra had fun on a horse that my parent have for the grandchildren.

We went to a fish fry on Friday at their church and went with them as they got a new car. We only wish we could have stayed longer.

Andra's first ketchup packet.

Andra with her Wella and Tata

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Start of spring break

We had a great first day of Spring break. It was in the upper 80s so we went for a walk, and ran little errands. It was just nice to know i did not HAVE to come home and grade. OK i should have but i didn't. Thank you Alba and Jim for the GREAT outfit!

Not a great picture but I wanted to show that Andra will do anything to get to the dogs. She pulled the blanket to her trying to get to Alley. She then rolled over to her back, and tried to roll to her. Yes, I have a hold of Alley's collar because if i didn't you would see Alley licking Andra.

Avocado and other food fun

Andra got to try avocado this week. At first she was not sure but then took to it. This week we will try cooked pureed sweet potato. I am going to try and "make" her food. Right now that means smash and add some water then mix. I am following the book "Super Baby Food". So far, so good and very easy.
Andrew is a whiz at feeding Andra. He makes noises and sings songs; she loves it. Andra is now a pro with rice cereal. For the most part she eats it without a mess. She sometimes likes to feel it with her hands but then she sucks on her fingers.

Monday, March 02, 2009

then and now

Andra at 2 weeks

Andra at 6 months
weight: 13.4 lbs 10% height: 24.5 in 10% Head: 17.25in 70%

It is scary how fast they change and learn new things.

Can it taste that good?