Sunday, August 30, 2009

1 year pictures

We took Andra to get some pictures done last week but with the start of school and redoing the office we are just now getting them scanned.
This dress was a gift from Andra's Popi (Andrew's Dad)
We do love our Longhorn Football!
Happy 1 year old Andra!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tim's Wedding

We went to my Uncle Tim's wedding. Great Cake!
Andra dancing with her Tata

Andra dancing with her Daddy
Andra dancing by herself. I do not know where she gets it from. A very tired Andra, Tata and Me

1 year Dr appointment

We had Andra’s 1 year Dr appointment yesterday. She is very healthy and growing strong. She weighed 18.5 lb (10%) is 28 ½ in long(30%) and has a head circumference of 18 ½ in (85%). They took blood to do some tests (that did not make her happy) and she got 2 shots. She did not do any of the live virus shots as she and eggs have not gotten along in the past. I have to give her eggs two times in the next week; if she does not get sick then we will go do the flu shot. We will still hold off on the other two live virus shorts (MMR and chicken pox). She will get them, but not yet.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

other pictures from this weekend

Andra playing with her new toy dog
Andra with her Wella and Tata
Andra on her new ride after she woke up from her post party nap
Watching Andra to know when to run away
We had a great weekend with all the visitors. Thank you to everyone!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

the after party

Andra's 1st Birthday Party

We had Andra's 1st birthday party this weekend! It was crazy fun. Andra had her own sugar, dairy and egg free cake. She was not crazy about it cold but once it warmed up she liked it. Yes, the cupcakes I made for everyone else had sugar, dairy and eggs.
Andra liked the pinata........
the kids liked the candy! Thank you Courtney for breaking the star.
Thank you everyone who was able to come!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Last night were Andra's first steps!! Andra walked between Andrew and myself. It was so cool. She would stand up and stay there for a moment, then take 4 to 6 step to the other person and then balance there before she dive into that parent. She had done the drunken sailor walk between us before but it was always a stumble/ fall into the arms without real complete steps. I hope to get some video of it tomorrow when my mom gets into town.
Here is a picture from this past weekend of her practicing her walk holding Daddy's hand.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

other shots

The Lowe Men We had so much fun with James, Jennifer and Robert here for the week. Andra had so much fun with all the extra love this weekAndra eating the famous spaghetti
James and Andra at Academy

Jennifer and Andra

the Alamo..

James, Jennifer, Robert, Andra and I went down to the Alamo and Riverwalk on Wednesday. We went in the morning to help with the heat but it was still hot. Taking a short break from the sun
James getting some practice in with Andra

Uncle James got Andra a new hat. Andra has be infatuated with James for the past few days.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Family from across the states..

James, Andrew's brother, and his wife Jennifer came to vist as well this week. They are here from Olympia, Washington to visit before James goes back to Iraq in September.
The Lowe Clan

just a great Andra and Daddy picture
Andra, Daddy and Popi looking at the hippos

Family from across the pond

Andrew’s father came in from Scotland and Andra was so happy to see her Popi.

Andra had to show off her talent of walking around the table.

The Lowe genes are strong! Thank you Judith and Popi for the great outfits from Katherine’s Closet

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Ride the pony

Andra loves her pony. She still needs help staying on but likes to rock herself .

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Last night I made a red pepper, broccoli and goat cheese mixture and for the first time Andra said “NO WAY MOM!!!” She took one bite and then made this face. That was it, mouth sealed shut. So I did what any good mom would do; I tried again, Andrew tried, and I tried again. Then brought out the yogurt and mix some in. Still no. Then I mixed more in; 2 part yogurt 1 part mix. She ate it. With Andra mix anything with plain yogurt and she will eat it. She LOVES her yogurt.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


It is coming…slowly

new face

Andra learned a new face this past weekend. Andrew was taping up a box and every time he used the packing tape Andra made this face. It was very cute. She then started to make it just for fun.