Thursday, July 29, 2010

Andra and her Wela

My mom was here a few weeks ago and I forgot to post this picture. She was in town because my grandmother won an award. Yep at 98 years young Andra's Great-grandmother won the Hidalgo Award, (no pictures because Andra and I missed the awards). Thank you Mom! We love you and miss you!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

fun weekend at home

We stayed home most of the weekend to clean house and work on potty training. Fun Fun I know but some times it was funny. Please excuse Andra's outfit as we were working on potty training so we did not want clothes in the way. She was not a happy camper about this at first because she loves to have both shoes and clothes on, but then she found a box from my mom and she decided to help herself. Yep that is my high school graduation hat.

Andra wanted to help! and yes that is our cleaning music :)

To Andrew's defence he had already done his push-up for the day. Andra likes to help Daddy with this job each day


Ok I have been holding it in

Andra Loves Thomas the Train!

We did not let Andra watch TV or movies. Let me clarify. She did not care about the TV or movies. I would sometimes try (in moments of weakness) but she would not watch ANYTHING. Then one day she saw a Thomas the train doll. She loved it. Then she saw Thomas on TV but, loved the music, but still did not watch the show. Then we went to Chicago and one of her cousins (also a girl) had a large plush Thomas the train. Andra was in love. From the time we landed back in Texas she asked about Thomas; where he was? Can she watch? Ect. The problem is that Thomas is only on a few times a day at odd hours and I was not going to rearrange or plan my day by the TV so we went out a bought a Thomas DVD that has many 6-9 minute shows on Thomas. [Side note: Andrew remembers watching Thomas as a kid and the video we got are the original old ones, so very nostalgic for Andrew] We also got her a few Thomas books and wooden train. Andra was so happy! She loves the into music. She will stop doing what she is doing if that music comes on. Then she watches the episode then off to something else. 8 out of 10 times it is a Thomas book or dolls. And yes she will pee and poo in the potty for Thomas stickers!

So my little girl who loves shoes, care what princes is on her panties loves Thomas the Train. There I said it. Now off to plan a Thomas the Train birthday party! So far while look for

PS She now likes Thomas, Zoboomafoo and Wonder Pets! And we now limit the screen time (TV, ipad and ipod) but she always gets at least 30mins of it while I cook dinner

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Vegetarian no more

Andra was always a great veggie eater. Eggplant, peas, green beans, broccoli, asparagus, beats, you name it she ate it, as long as it was not meat, eggs or beans. To get protein in I have hidden tahini and peanut butter in apple sauce and squash or gotten high protein pasta and then of’ course yogurt, cheese and even fish if it was not fried (the girl will not eat fired fish-not even when I gave in and gave her ketchup). Did I mention she did not take to milk till she was 15months old and it was not till about a month ago that she would ask for it or drink more than half a sippy cup. A few weeks ago I made pasta sauce with ground turkey and she ate a small amount of the meet in the sauce. Before if I slipped chicken in she would suck the sauce off and then toss or heave the chicken across the room in protest. She did the same with beef. It all changed this week. We had chicken on Sunday and she ate it! No protest just picked it up and ate it!!! Then last night I made her a ground beef, been and cheese taco cut it in half and put it on her plate with some avocado. I had yogurt waiting for when the rejection came but it never did. She ate it! Not all of it but most of it. Then tonight, again chicken and broccoli and Alley did not get any of it. I am so happy!!! Now we can work on bread; yet another one I do not get………

Friday, July 09, 2010

The train!!!

Andra went on her first train ride on the 5th of July. It is the train that goes around the park and zoo. She waved at everyone and even at some trees and birds
she is not out going at all.........

the zoo on the 5th

Andrew had the day off so we headed to the zoo. Andra loves the monkeys.....
and the Rinos
and feeding the fish She looks so grown up :(

One of the best things about being members of the zoo is that we get to go in early, like 7:30 early. What is great is that we got there walked around and left before most of the people showed up :)

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy July 4th!

We went to Jim and Alba's for the 4th. They had a party on Friday and Saturday but i was still in DC so we came up to the lake on the 4th to see my cousins who were in from Ohio and Arlington. We got a surprise when Andra's Godfather, Mark showed up!
Andra had to pet the dog that stopped by to say hi. He is a neighbors dog that just likes to walk around. Andra's Tia Alba got out a book to play with.
Then Andra found the rocks. fun fun rocks....
Then it was down to the lake! The other kids gave Andra a "ride" on the tube.

Andra and Daddy swimming. Andra kept saying,"Andra Swimming; Andra Swimming!!!" it was so cute
I think Andra got my color :)

Lake Videos!

Andra loves jumping in water!

Andra and Andrew playing peek-a-boo. There is alot of wind noise because i am on the dock and they are out a bit in the water.

Georgetown Cupcake

While on my trip I was walking around (trying to get my 10,000 steps in each day) the area and saw that there was a cupcake shop that had a line that was out the shop door and down the block. The next night I went by earlier and picked two up. (Yes, I know, this was counterproductive to the 10,000 steps a day goal but they had to be good right!?!) Lemon - was a little too sweat...I could only eat one bite.
Chocolate Peanut Butter chip - was amazing!!!!!
Apparently this cupcake shop is on a TLC show.
And when I left the line was twice as long as when I got there.

Saturday, July 03, 2010


Andrew and I were in Washington DC in 2003 and they were just starting this monument. I was glad to be able to see it and think it fits great on the mall.
There is an Atlantic and Pacific side
It was too big for my little camera

Each state has a pillar This was in each of the side large ends

Amazing detail on the side walls

stars to help remember the fallen

very moving!!!
If you have never been to DC you have to go. You will cry and be amazed. It will not madder if you are for our current war or not. The monuments are moving and I think all Americans should go. The museums are amazing as well and they are all free and there is an ESPN zone near by :)

Friday, July 02, 2010

Work.... in DC

I have been off of work since May and LOVING being home with Andra, but I had to come on a business trip for a few days. It was so hard to leave Andra; going from being with her all day to was hard. While I can not wait to get back, I did have fun at the conference. I learned so much at the conference from great teachers, and got to walk around the DC area. Here are just a few pictures.....

Ta Da!!!!!

I do not know where she gets it :)

Lunch with Tina and family

We meet Tina, her mom and the twins for lunch a while back. Andra was so happy to have a big sister, even if is was for just an afternoon.

make up posts

I am playing catch up on a few past events. my birthday and other fun that has happened in the last few weeks.

more fun at C and S's house

Andra loves our friends Carolyn and Suzel. They have dogs and a pool! For my birthday we went over to go swimming and play with Carolyn's niece.

We had gone swimming a few times that week so by Thursday Andra was so excited to she Shawna and was even calling her by name.

Then we all went out for dinner. Happy Birthday to me!