Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

This was the first Easter that Andra was looking forward to the Easter bunny coming. They had been talking about him at school and reading books about him. She was excited to see that he had come and left her a basket full of goodies; including this harmonica. and chap stick!!
Then it was off to church. We went to 9:00 mass for a change so Andra could dance and partake in one of the church's Easter egg hunts. Andra liked the new music at mass and was happy to see a friend from school.
We normally walk to church because it is less then 2 blocks. Today, Andra had to take her bunny to church and wanted her Daddy to hold his hand as they walked. After church it was Easter bunny time
Then the hunt.

After the hunt some candy time with Wela and Tata.
After church we went out to eat and then wished my parents a safe trip home.

Then we set up Andra's bouncy house for some play time.
bounce ...bounce...bounce...
We ended the day with a skype call to James and Jennifer (Andrew's brother and his wife). It was great to see and talk with them.

All in all it was an amazing Easter.

Thank you God for your sacrifice and for your love.

Easter at the Ranch

The Saturday before Easter my family gets together at my Grandmother ranch. The following posts are about the GREAT fun we had there. This post is just some random shots from the day.

Chase getting Andra with a cascaron
more cascaron fun
Andra with her Wela
the baby Longhorn

Wela getting Andra

Andra fun

waiting for their turn with the pinata

Andrew and Andra vs the cupcake

Easter egg hunt

they did let Cici and Andra start early

this was Andra's first real Easter egg hunt
She had lots of funall the kids after the hunt

feeding the cows...

I have to start by saying that I hate cows. Do not get me wrong, I love steak, tacos, fajitas, and all other meat from cows but the animal still mooing, I could do without.

That said, Andra loves them. This is the first time she got to feed them with the big kids. she kept trying to feed them like she gives the dogs treats...
wanting more food for them
then dad getting in on the action

she kept throwing them over hand and hitting the cows. They did not mind too much

tossing vs throwing ....she is still learning

She had soooo much fun

Andra's new bff

One of my cousins brought his dog to the ranch and Andra fell in love. they played and played
and then played some more
by the end of the day Andra was good at tossing the toy

Piñata time

Easter Pinata time! The kids had a blast!

Cici gave it a whirl then it was Andra's turn Chase and his great "I'm ready for baseball "stance
and then Melanie Then Harrison took a whack at it
and then Madeline

After a few rounds with the kids the adults took their turn

Then "little" Eddie finished it off Thank you Alma, for getting a great pinata!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Impromptu bath

Andrew was giving Andra a bath when he slipped and fell in Andra thought it was the best

new toy

Fun for Andraand Bebe

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wedding fun!

We went to a beautiful wedding this Saturday. The place and the weather were great! As the wedding party took pictures, Andra and I walked around.

She found a stage and started to sing and dance.
The flowers were so nice!
Then she got to dance with Daddy

and by herself... and dance some more
We had a great time.

Thank you Miranda and Robert for letting us share your day!