Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day! We had a great weekend not counting today! Saturday was a great family fun! Andra had Little Gym and swim lessons, then we had a great lunch at Julian's and then did little things and ended the day cooking out with Alma and Sylvia. Sorry no pictures from Saturday but it was a great day!

Then on Sunday after church we all went to get breakfast! Andra even had a bow clip in her hair!Then Andrew, Andra and I went to C and Z's for some swim time!!!
Andra on Andrew's shoulders!
and again! and again! and again! Thank you C and Z we had a blast!
Then today well, it could have been better. We had great plans, more swimming, lunch with family and more fun but I got sick, very sick :( so we stayed home all day. Alma babysat Andra for an hour to give Andrew a break while I was in bed (It is great to have family live across the street!). I felt better around 6pm (almost 12hr to the dot from the first time I got sick). Leta hope tomorrow is a better day.

Andra's new roof window.

Andra's got a new roof window. It is like a sunroof but does not open. She loves it! and yes it is a Toyota :) It is the first time I have ever had a NEW car not just new to me. I was a little sad that is was not an SUV but I love it now! It took me a few days to warm up to the idea of a car (Andrew calls it a crossover) but at least it is not a minivan :) So far this turning 35 thing is OK. I am not there yet (less then a month) but I have gotten some big gifts and I think Andra likes them both.

Happy Early B-day to me

and I think Andra loves it as much as I do, she has more aps then I do :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

great dress!

Andra's Aunt Heather (Andrew's sister) use to have her own children's clothing line and store. While she does not have the store anymore Andra is getting to wear some of the clothes now. This is one of my favorites and Andra is just now fitting into it.
Andrew and Andra Thank you Heather!!!

Andra and her yogurt

Andra eats yogurt at least once a day. She still will not eat meat and yogurt is a great protein source. We have found a plain, 2x the protein of normal yogurt with very little sugar and she loves it. She has gotten very good at eating it with a spoon but on this night we did not take the bowl away in time so she decided to try and lick the bowl. The red on the shirt is watermelon and tomato.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

who needs toys

Andra helping me but food away....Yes she got it off..
and put it back on many more times....

Happy Mother's day!

We went out for breakfast for Mother's day with Andrew, my Mom, Dad, Aunt Alma(Andra Godmother), and Andra's great-grandmother. No pictures of everyone but I did get a picture of Andra's new skill. She has been eating tacos by eating the stuff on the inside and then the tortilla. Now she has mastered the role and and keeping some parts inside the taco. Then there was dancing...

Day in the big Pf

We went up to Pflugerville on Saturday to celebrate Mother's day and see Harrison play baseball. He did great and connected each time he went up to bat.And scored a run!
Andra had a lot of fun watching...
for the first two innings...
My Mom and Dad drove in as well
Then it was off to Amanda's house. Andra wanted to see the chickens but got distracted by the dog.
Tata trying to show Andra the chickens
Then Andrew and Amanda tried
Here are the "teenage" chickens. They do not get to run free
Wela and all her grandkids!
Thank you Amanda! We had a great time!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Andra and the tractor

This is Amanda and Greg's tractor; Andra wanted to go for a ride I tried to tell her that we could not go for a ride...
She did not care...but look at all her hair!

Friday, May 07, 2010

Andrew is trying.........

And Andra LOVES to help her Daddy with his car!

Wela and Andra

My parents were in for a short visit last weekend. Andra loves shoes and they do not have to be her's. She found her Wela's and decided to walk around the house. Andra loves her Wela
Andra also loves her legos!